Chapter 1: Consumer Spending Trends and Demographics


Chapter 1: Consumer Spending Trends and Demographics

In this first chapter, we will take a look at how pet owners feel about their pets and how they’re spending money on them. We will also examine trends in veterinary usage and demographics that are impacting the veterinary industry.

Pets Are Part of the Family

As someone who works in the veterinary industry, you know how much pet owners love their pets. In fact, the human-animal bond has been strengthening over the years, and pets have taken a central place in our homes, our families, and our hearts. We welcome pets into our lives for a number of reasons at different stages. For instance:

  • To fill the gap while young adults wait to have children
  • As “siblings” or playmates for children in the home
  • For companionship to empty nesters and senior adults

Our closeness to our pets has affected how—and how much—we spend on them. Judging from the billions of dollars Americans spend on our dogs and cats every year, we want the very best for them in all areas from toys and supplies to nutrition and healthcare.
